@mastersthesis{umas:810, author = {{Kapitanović, Sandra}}, title = {{Izvedba/izvedeno}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:762, author = {{Botica, Katarina}}, title = {{Katalog}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:766, author = {{Lončar, Đana}}, title = {{Memoari}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:767, author = {{Lukas, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Moje stvari}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:764, author = {{Gabrić, Nora}}, title = {{Sanjam}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:699, author = {{Mateljak, Ivo}}, title = {{Grafitni oblici}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:701, author = {{Drčelić, Davor}}, title = {{Konstrukcija nadzora}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:712, author = {{Jerončić Grba, Ivan}}, title = {{Metaverse}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:495, author = {{Đirlić, Martina}}, title = {{Kontakt}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:431, author = {{Martinović, Iva}}, title = {{Rad s klorom}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:386, author = {{Petričević, Ines}}, title = {{Imerzije}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:385, author = {{Kapelina, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Platforme}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:233, author = {{Jovanović, Ankica}}, title = {{Automatizirani procesi i autentičnost slike}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:223, author = {{Džaja, Iva}}, title = {{Pojavnosti}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:227, author = {{Tomažin, Jan}}, title = {{SO BE IT - nasumično generirana slika}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:139, author = {{Kevo, Ivana}}, title = {{Bestijarij}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:87, author = {{Lizde, Petra}}, title = {{Dualizam geste: Slikarska gesta / potez na početku 21.st.}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:158, author = {{Šurlin, Josip}}, title = {{Giles Blatta i njegovi tajni prolazi}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:145, author = {{Bakulić, Lovre}}, title = {{I want to believe}}, } @mastersthesis{umas:111, author = {{Zdunić, Igor}}, title = {{Priče iz autobusa}}, }