Study program
Showing 1 - 19 of 19
List of results
Acting (15)
Composition (1)
Conservation and Restoration (50)
Design of Visual Communications (2)
Ethnomusicology (5)
Film and Video (27)
Film, Media Arts and Animation (17)
Music Culture (30)
Music Department - Instrumental (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone); specializations in: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone (8)
Music Department - Instrumental (Flute, Clarinet); specializations in: Flute, Clarinet (7)
Music Department - Instrumental (Guitar) (9)
Music Department - Instrumental (Violin,Viola,Violoncello); specializations in: Violin, Viola, Cello (17)
Music Theory (19)
New Media Design (23)
Painting (50)
Piano (15)
Sculpting (48)
Solo Singing (6)
Visual Culture and Visual Arts (115)