Title Satnica
Title (english) Per hour
Author Mihael Frančić
Mentor Viktor Popović (mentor)
Mentor Neli Ružić (komentor)
Committee member Viktor Popović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Ivančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Perkov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Arts Academy (Fine Arts) (Department of Painting) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Painting
Abstract Satnica je rad koji ispituje dominantni monopoli koje zapadne modne marke, specifično one koje se bave brzom modom (H&M, Topshop, Forever21, Zara), imaju nad azijskim zemljama u razvoju i loše radne uvjete i niske plaće koje su radnici u njihovim tvornicama prisiljeni trpjeti. Naslovni rad također istražuje dublje implikacije koje dolaze s prevlasti koje zapadnjačke modne marke drže, poput dominacije kapitalizma, utjecaja globalizma i potiskivanja određenih kulturalnih identiteta, kontrast između načina na koje je odjeće izložena u trgovinama i njenog porijekla nehumanog predznaka; fizička i ljudska prisutnost koju odjeća sadrži dok putuje s jednog kontinenta na drugi; iskorjenjivanje lokalne tekstilne i modne industrije i ambivalentnost većine potrošača prema svim tim spomenutim problemima. Svaki artikl odjeće korišten u ovom radu ima na sebi ispisanu statistiku koja prikazuje satnicu prosječnog radnika u zemlji u kojoj je artikl proizveden a statistike su otisnute kič-tehnikom bedazzling, čime autor humorno transformira odjeću iz predmeta pokrivanja u predmet razotkrivanja. Svi odabrani artikli su boje ljudske kože, što ukazuje na ljudsku prisutnost iza proizvoda i ni jedan artikl nema nikakav kulturalni simbol, što ukazuje na potiskivanje kulturalnog identiteta. Odjeća je posložena na način koji imitira način na koji je posložena u modnim trgovinama, uključujući i izložbeni namještaj, a time se promatrače ''koristi'' kao dio rada, kao ''glumce'' koji igraju uloge potrošača, dok se savijenu i složenu odjeću koristi kao refleksiju na radnike i njihove očajne situacije. Na kraju rad dolazi do zaključka da su ostatci kolonijalnog iskustva još uvijek prisutni u aspektima modernog kapitalizma i globalizma i da ti sustavi pridodaju potiskivanju kulturalnog identiteta azijskih zemalja u razvoju i disparitetu između bogatih i siromašnih zemalja. Još jedan zaključak do kojeg rad dolazi je da ambivalentnost zapadnjačkih potrošača prema ovakvim problemima i njihova volja, pa čak i radost da nastave sudjelovati u ovakvom sistemu (unatoč tome što su neki od njih svjesni odakle njihova odjeća dolazi), također doprinosi disparitetu između razvijenih i nerazvijenih zemalja i lošim radnim uvjetima koje su radnici prisiljeni trpjeti, jer za mnoge od njih nema drugog izbora.
Abstract (english) Per hour is an artwork that examines dominant monopolies that Western fashion brands, specifically ones dealing in fast fashion (H&M, Topshop, Forever21 and Zara), have on Asian developing countries as well as poor working conditions and low wages enforced on workers in their factories. The titular piece also explores the deeper implications that come from the supremacy held by Western fashion brands, such as the dominance of capitalism, the influence of globalism and the suppression of certain cultural identities, the contrast between the way clothing is displayed in stores and its inhumane origins, the physical and human presence that clothing contains as it travels from one continent to another, the eradication of the local textile and fashion industry and the ambivalence of most consumers in relation to the aforementioned problems. Each item of clothing used in this piece has statistics written on it showing hourly wage of the average worker in the country where the item was produced and this information is printed using the kitsch technique of bedazzling, thus humorously transforming the clothing from the subject of coverage to the subject of exposure. All selected items are in the colors of human skin, which indicates the human presence behind the product and no item has any cultural symbol, which indicates the suppression of cultural identity. Clothing is arranged in a way that mimics the manner of its display in fashion stores, including exhibition furniture, thus treating the observers as a part of the work (as actors playing consumer roles) and using bent and folded clothing as a reflection of the workers and their desperate situation. In the end, the piece concludes that remnants of the colonial experience are still present in aspects of modern capitalism and globalism and that these systems add to the suppression of the cultural identity of Asian developing countries and to the disparity between rich and poor countries. Another conclusion that the work comes to is that the ambivalence of Western consumers towards such problems and their will, and even the pleasure of continuing to participate in such a system, despite some of them being aware of where their clothes come from, also contributes to the disparity between developed and underdeveloped countries and the poor working conditions that workers are forced to suffer, as for many of them there is no other choice.
brza moda
kulturalni identitet
ženski radnici
second hand trgovina
Keywords (english)
fast fashion
hourly rate
cultural identity
female workers
second hand shop
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:175:005766
Study programme Title: Painting Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) slikarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) slikarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-02-09 15:45:38