Title Diraj me, biraj me, asociraj me, seciraj me
Title (english) Touch me, choose me, associate me, cut me
Author Tihana Felić
Mentor Nina Ivančić (mentor)
Mentor Blaženka Perica (komentor)
Committee member Neli Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Viktor Popović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Ivančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Arts Academy (Fine Arts) (Department of Painting) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Painting
Abstract Naziv rada je kreiran zahvaljujući usporedbama reakcija prijatelja i kolega s ciljevima i namjerama autorice povodom realizacije završnog rada. Autorici su važne reakcije promatrača jer izrađuje radove koji su i sami reakcija na okolinu i svakodnevnicu bilo da ta reakcija nastupa kao svjesna i tijekom rada, ili se javlja tek kasnije kad je rad završen. Struktura oblika zastupljena u radu za autoricu nije značenjski aktivna sve dok se ona i/ili promatrač ne odluči fokusirati na njeno iščitavanje. Velik dio rada su asocijacije kojima je u velikoj mjeri i sama autorica podložna. Naslovljeni rad asocira na igračke, na iznutrice, organe, na posteljinu... Spajajući te asocijacije dobivamo nove: primjerice nečiju usporedbu s organima i usporedbu nekog drugog s posteljinom promatrač može spojiti u viziju organa zarobljenih u posteljini, ili u seksualni naboj organa koje obično zamišljamo kada ih povezujemo uz kontekst posteljine. Rad ima elemente koji pobuđuju osjet dodira, privlači gledatelje da ga diraju i istražuju, izaziva znatiželju. Izložen je na stolu poput hrpe koja se osipa ili je ostatak od seciranja. Dok tekstura i materijal podsjećaju na ugodu i mekoću, boje i oblici suprotstavljaju se tome izazivajući suptilnu nelagodu. Ukazuje se na to kako udobnost skriva u sebi strahove i perverzije koje je ponekad teško uobličiti i koji mogu gušiti pojedinca. Rad je fokusiran na pitanja hibridnih formi u umjetnosti i njihovu usidrenost u psihologiji, a inspiriran radovima Louise Bourgeois, Sarah Lucas, Mikea Kelleya i Roberta Morrisa.
Abstract (english) The title of the work was created thanks to comparisons of the reactions of friends and colleagues with the goals and intentions of the author regarding the realization of the final work. Reactions of the observers are important to the author because she creates works that are themselves a reaction to the environment and everyday life, whether that reaction occurs as a conscious one during the work, or occurs only later when the work is finished. The structure of the form represented in the work is not meaningfully active for the author until she and/or the observer decides to focus on its reading. A large part of the work is associations to which the author herself is largely subject. The titled work associates toys, entrails, organs, linen... By combining these associations, we get new ones: for example, someone's comparison with organs and someone else's comparison with linen can be combined by the observer into a vision of organs trapped in linen, or into the sexual charge of organs that we usually imagine when we connect them with the context of bedding. The work has elements that arouse the sense of touch, attract viewers to touch and explore it, arouse curiosity. It is laid out on the table like a pile that is falling off or is the remains of a dissection. While the texture and material evoke comfort and softness, the colors and shapes oppose it, causing a subtle discomfort. It is pointed out that comfort hides fears and perversions that are sometimes difficult to shape and that can suffocate an individual. The work is focused on issues of hybrid forms in art and their anchoring in psychology, and inspired by the works of Louise Bourgeois, Sarah Lucas, Mike Kelley and Robert Morris.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:175:392949
Study programme Title: Painting Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) slikarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (bacccalaureus/baccalaurea) slikarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-02-28 10:34:23