Abstract | U radu ''Ispovijed'' autorica se bavi poimanjem greške nastale kroz subjektivni doživljaj određenih situacija koje se mogu smatrati greškama i/ili grijehom odnosno moralno upitnima. Inspirirana biblijskom pričom o Isusu i preljubnici, točnije činom kamenovanja, prikupila je količinu kamenova te na svaki, pojedinačno, ispisala po jednu činjenicu zbog koje se osjeća krivom. . Kako bi se odmakla od crkvenog (katoličkog) poimanja greške, autorica se referirala na vlastitu percepciju pogrešnoga koja se bazira na vanjskim utjecajima (društvo, mediji, institucije, odgoj i sl.). Prisjećajući se proteklih dvadeset mjeseci, autorica završnog rada zabilježila je rečenice kojima opisuje postupke koji joj izazivaju osjećaj krivnje, a to su sljedeći iskazi: Propustila sam poslovni uspjeh; širila sam povjerljive informacije; osuđivala sam druge zbog greški koje sam i sama činila; imala sam predrasude; opterećivala sam se tuđim mišljenjem; pušila sam previše trave; nisam vjerovala u svoje sposobnosti; ne raspolažem dobro novcem; nemam hrabrosti reći što mi smeta; previše maštam; nisam pred drugima onakva kakva sam sama sa sobom; ne vodim dovoljnu brigu o zdravlju; prekasno shvaćam; nisam sposobna za većinu poslova; rijetko znam što želim; lagala sam. Osim što rad potiče na razmišljanje o čimbenicima pogrešnoga i potrebi za kažnjavanjem ili ispravljanjem istoga, rad se manifestira i kao javna ispovijed, što dovodi u pitanje - barem metaforički - katoličku dogmu o ispovjednoj tajni. Pošto je biblijska priča poslužila samo kao nadahnuće, rad potiče promatrača da se odmakne od dogmi i u slučaju ispovjedne tajne, te samim tim preispita smisao skrivanja vlastitih greški. |
Abstract (english) | In the work "Confession", the author deals with the concept of mistakes created through the subjective experience of certain situations that can be considered mistakes and/or sins, or morally questionable. Inspired by the biblical story about Jesus and the adulteress, more precisely the act of stoning, she collected a quantity of stones and on each one, individually, wrote a fact that made her feel guilty. In order to move away from the (Catholic) Church's understanding of error, the author referred to her own perception of error, which is based on external influences (society, media, institutions, upbringing, etc.). Recalling the past twenty months, the author recorded the sentences describing behaviours that cause her a sense of guilt, for instance: I missed out on business success; I disseminated confidential information; I judged others for the mistakes I made myself; I was prejudiced; I burdened myself with other people's opinions; I smoked too much marijuana; I didn't believe in my abilities; I don't manage money well; I don't have the courage to say what bothers me; I fantasize too much; I am not the same in front of others as I am with myself; I do not take sufficient care of my health; I realize things too late; I am not fit for most jobs; I rarely know what I want; I lied. In addition to the work encouraging thinking about wrongdoing and the need to punish or correct the very same, the work also manifests itself as a public confession, which calls into question - at least metaphorically - the Catholic dogma about the Seal of Confession (confessional secrecy). As the biblical story served only as an inspiration for the work , it encourages the observer to move away from dogmas even in the case of the confessional secret, and to reconsider the meaning of hiding one's own mistakes. |